Interview-Based vs Traditional Social Media Marketing: A Game-Changing Approach

In our previous blog, we introduced you to the concept of interview-based social media marketing and explored its potential to revolutionize your content strategy.

We discussed how this approach can help you create engaging, authentic content by tapping into the expertise of your team members and potential partners.

Today, we're diving deeper. We'll be focusing on the key differences between interview-based social media marketing and the traditional approaches you might be more familiar with.

By the end of this post, you'll have a clear understanding of how these two strategies compare and how you can leverage the strengths of both to supercharge your social media presence.

So, whether you're a seasoned social media pro or just getting started, buckle up! We're about to explore a game-changing approach that could transform the way you connect with your audience online.

The Social Media Marketing Landscape

Before we jump into the comparisons, let's quickly recap what we mean by traditional social media marketing. We all know the drill, right? It typically involves:

  • Posting product updates and promotions

  • Sharing company news and achievements

  • Creating general content related to your industry

  • Responding to customer comments and messages

  • Running ads and sponsored content

This approach has been the go-to playbook for years, and it's served many businesses well. But in a world where everyone's vying for attention, sometimes you need to change your tune to be heard.

That's where interview-based social media marketing comes in, offering a fresh perspective and new opportunities for engagement.

What's This Interview-Based Marketing All About?

Interview-based social media marketing is exactly what it sounds like – creating content through interviews.

But here's the twist: we're not talking about interviewing celebrities or influencers (though that can be cool too). We're talking about shining the spotlight on your team members and potential strategic partners.

Think of it as turning your social media channels into a stage where the real stars of your business can shine.

So, How's It Different from Traditional Social Media Marketing?

Let's break it down:

  1. Internal Expertise Showcase: Instead of just talking about your products, you're highlighting the brilliant minds behind them. It's like inviting your audience to a backstage tour of your company.

  2. Partnership Potential: When you interview potential strategic partners, you're not just creating content – you're opening doors. It's networking and marketing rolled into one delicious burrito.

  3. Diverse Perspectives: Traditional marketing often presents a single, polished company voice. Interview-based marketing brings in a variety of viewpoints, making your content more rounded and relatable.

  4. Interactive Content: While traditional posts might prompt some engagement, interviews can spark real conversations. It's like hosting a party where everyone's invited to chip in.

  5. Long-form Value: Many social platforms prioritize short, snappy content. Interviews allow you to dive deeper, providing substantial value that can position your brand as a true thought leader.

  6. Relationship-centric: Traditional marketing focuses on broadcasting your message. Interview-based marketing is about building relationships – with your team, with partners, and ultimately, with your audience.

  7. Authentic Storytelling: Instead of crafting marketing messages, you're facilitating genuine stories and insights. In a world of polished ads, this authenticity can be like a breath of fresh air.

Why Should You Care?

  1. Humanize Your Brand: Show the faces behind your logo. It makes your company more relatable and trustworthy.

  2. Strengthen Industry Connections: Every interview is an opportunity to build or deepen a professional relationship.

  3. Provide Deeper Value: Your audience gets insider insights they can't find anywhere else.

  4. Stand Out from the Crowd: While others are posting product photos, you're sharing real conversations and insights.

How to Get Started with Interview-Based Marketing

  1. Identify Your Stars: Look for articulate team members with interesting stories or expertise to share.

  2. Reach Out to Potential Partners: Think about companies or individuals you'd like to collaborate with. An interview can be a great first step.

  3. Choose Your Format: Will you do written Q&As, video interviews, or maybe a podcast series?

  4. Prepare Engaging Questions: The key is to dig deep and uncover insights your audience will truly value.

  5. Promote and Repurpose: Share snippets on different platforms, create quote graphics or turn long interviews into a series of shorter posts.

Finding the Right Balance

Now, we're not saying you should ditch your traditional social media strategies altogether. The magic happens when you blend interview-based marketing with your existing approach.

Use interviews to add depth to your content calendar, sprinkle them between your regular posts, and watch how they enhance your overall social media presence.

Wrapping It Up

Interview-based social media marketing isn't just a trend – it's a powerful tool for creating authentic, valuable content that resonates with your audience. It turns your social media from a megaphone into a conversation, helping you build stronger relationships with your team, partners, and customers.

Remember, in the world of social media, authenticity is currency. And with interview-based marketing, you're minting that currency with every conversation. Happy interviewing!

Ready to See Results?

Apply for a week-long trial and experience the impact of interview-based social media marketing firsthand. Let's grow your business together! 🚀


10 Powerful Content Types You Can Create from a Single Interview


What is Interview-Based Social Media Marketing?