How to Name Your Newsletter for Consulting Success

In our last blog, we dove deep into the world of newsletter planning, exploring the essential steps to create an email marketing strategy that consistently books more sales calls. 

Remember that task I gave you? I hope you had a chance to work on your strategic plan using the worksheet I provided.

Today, we're zooming in on a crucial aspect of that plan: naming your newsletter. 

It might seem like a small detail, but trust me, it's more important than you think. 

So, let's dive in and discover how to create a name that grabs attention and sets the stage for booking those all-important client calls.

Why Name Your Newsletter?

You might be wondering, "Does my newsletter really need a name? 

Can't I just call it 'My Company Newsletter' and be done with it?" 

Well, you could, but you'd be missing out on a golden opportunity. Here's why naming your newsletter matters:

  1. First Impressions Count: Your newsletter name is often the first thing potential subscribers see. A catchy, relevant name can pique curiosity and encourage sign-ups.

  2. Sets Expectations: A well-chosen name tells subscribers exactly what they're getting, helping to attract your ideal clients.

  3. Builds Brand Identity: Your newsletter name becomes part of your brand, helping you stand out in a crowded inbox.

  4. Increases Open Rates: An intriguing name can boost open rates, get more eyes on your content, and increase the chances of booking calls.

  5. Memorable Marketing: A unique name makes your newsletter more memorable, increasing the likelihood that subscribers will recommend it to others.

Approaches to Naming Your Newsletter

Now that we understand the importance of a good newsletter name, let's explore some strategies you can use to come up with the perfect moniker:

1. Problem-Solution Approach: 

This strategy involves directly addressing the problem you solve for your clients. Your newsletter name should instantly communicate that you have the answer to their pressing issues. 

This approach works well because it immediately resonates with your target audience's pain points.

For example, "The Loyalty Engineer" suggests you'll help your target audience increase customer loyalty in their business, while "Proposal Pro" implies you'll assist in winning more contracts. 

2. Benefit-Driven Approach: 

This approach goes beyond just solving a problem – it promises a positive outcome. With this naming strategy, you focus on the primary benefit subscribers will receive from your newsletter. 

Benefit-driven names are powerful because they highlight the value you provide, giving potential subscribers a clear reason to sign up. 

For example, a name like "Weekly Customer Success Tips" promises valuable insights delivered regularly, while "Profit Pulse" suggests you'll help improve their bottom line.

3. Niche-Specific Approach: 

If you serve a particular industry or type of client, consider incorporating that into your newsletter name. This helps you attract your ideal clients and positions you as a specialist. 

The niche-specific naming approach helps you stand out in a crowded market and speaks directly to your target audience. 

For example, "CTO Success" would appeal to Chief Technology Officers, while "The Healthcare CEO Digest" targets CEOs in the healthcare sector.

4. Clever Wordplay Approach: 

Using puns, alliteration, or other word tricks can create a memorable and engaging newsletter name. 

This approach can make your newsletter more fun and approachable, but be careful not to sacrifice clarity for cleverness. 

The meaning should still be clear to your target audience. For example, "Marketing Mastery" or "Security Sentinel" are catchy newsletter names and imply empowerment, while "Threat Tackling Tactics" uses alliteration to create a rhythmic, memorable name.

5. Personal Branding: 

If you've built a strong personal brand, leverage it in your newsletter name. This works especially well for solo consultants or small firms where the founder is the face of the business. 

The personal branding approach can help build trust and connection with your audience, especially if they're already familiar with you or your company. 

For example, "Sarah's Strategy Sessions" personalizes the newsletter and leverages your personal brand, while "Johnson & Co. Insights" works for a larger firm.

Wrap Up

Choosing the right name for your newsletter is a critical step in your email marketing strategy. 

The perfect name will resonate with your audience, reflect your brand, and clearly communicate your value proposition. 

Remember, a well-chosen name sets the tone for your content, attracts your ideal clients, and helps your messages stand out in crowded inboxes.

Your Task for the Week:

Take 30 minutes to brainstorm at least 10 potential names for your newsletter. Don't censor yourself – let your creativity flow! 

Then, narrow it down to your top 3 choices. Share these with a few trusted colleagues or clients and get their feedback. 

By this time next week, you should have a winning name for your newsletter!

Pro Tip:

Stuck for ideas? Use AI tools like ChatGPT or Claude to brainstorm creative newsletter names. 

Try this prompt to help:

"Generate 10 catchy and professional newsletter names for a [your niche] consulting business. The newsletter should focus on [main topic/benefit] and appeal to [target audience]."

Don't Have Time to Do This Yourself?

If you're feeling overwhelmed or simply don't have the time to devote to naming and creating your newsletter, we've got you covered. 

Our done-for-you email marketing service is tailored specifically for busy consulting firms like yours.

We'll handle everything - from crafting the perfect newsletter name to executing your email campaigns - so you can focus on what you do best: serving your clients.

And the best part? You can try our service free for a week to see how we can simplify your email marketing and help you book more calls.


How to Plan Your Email Marketing Strategy in 7 Steps